
Monday, November 14, 2016

Leander, TX Lawn Care Experts Cited Some Plants That Can Repel Pests

By Gerry Vercioux – Content Info Resource from

Pest control is indeed among the most significant aspects of lawn care. Due to the fact that pests can compromise the proper growth of grass and other plants, applying the right solutions in order to repel the harmful fliers and crawlies is a must. After all, pests can make you lawn care efforts useless.
Of course, you can make use of various pest control products that are highly recommended for lawn care. However, Leander, TX lawn care experts highly suggest that you make use of non-toxic solutions in dealing with pests, most especially when you have children and pets frequently hanging out in your yard. Adding plants that can repel the usual garden and lawn pests can be your best solution.

Pest-Repelling Plants You Can Add In Your Yard

Basil – This is not just a great ingredient for cooking but is also a great solution for preventing mosquitoes and houseflies from swirling around your yard. Basil, most especially during summer, can actually make your property less attractive to fliers carrying bacteria and disease-causing germs.

Lavender – This is a fragrant purple plant that has various uses. And one of them is shooing away flies, moths, fleas, and mosquitoes.

Marigolds – These are among the flowers that are efficient at driving away aphids, mosquitoes, and even garden snakes.

Lemongrass – Apart from being an edible plant, this is also known to repel insects like mosquitoes.

Dill – This is an aromatic herb that can be used for cooking fish and other seafood. Also, this is an efficient insect repellant. It can drive away squash bugs, aphids, spider mites and many more. Be aware that squash bugs are bad news for gardeners due to the fact that they inject toxins into plants and such the sap right out of it using their sucking, sharp mouthparts. And this will cause yellow spots on leaves that will turn brown eventually, killing the leaves.

Rosemary – This is also a tasty herb that can also be used to repel insects like carrot flies, cabbage loopers, snails and slugs, and Mexican bean beetles.

Nasturtiums – These are orange blooms that are not just pretty but are also the enemies of aphids, squash bugs, cabbage loopers, beetles and whiteflies.

Petunias – These are effective at repelling tomato hornworm, aphids, leafhoppers, asparagus, squash bugs, and beetles.

You will not only keep pests at bay if you add these plants in your lawn and garden. Expert gardeners highly emphasized that these plants can also provide other benefits to your household.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Lawn Mowing Experts In Launceston Shares The Different Types Of Weeds To Get Rid Of

One of the best ways to tell whether or not you have a healthy lawn is when there is no presence of weeds. Most homeowners easily get caught up by the many tasks to ensure a healthy lawn such lawn mowing, watering and putting on of fertilizers that they usually forget to get rid of the growing weeds. And this can greatly affect the health and look of your lawn.

Getting rid of the weeds is very important. However, most homeowners do not actually know about the types of weeds that grow in their lawn. Here are the different types of weeds that are most commonly found in most lawns:

- Dandelions. Dandelions are among the most popular types of weeds that grow in most lawns. They are easily spread through the wind because of their fluffy balls which contains the seeds. Dandelions have dark green leaves and yellow flowers.

- Oxalis. You may have already seen this in your lawn but do not know the name. This type of weed has a trifoliate leaf system with a heart shape. Its flowers are colored yellow and white and are so tiny. Oxalis is a type of weed that many homeowners really have a hard time getting rid of.

- Onehung. This type of weed is very common and popular. They usually leave prickles on clothing once you get past them. These are among the types of weeds that people do not really like.

- White clover. You can easily distinguish this type of weed through its white flower which is similar to cotton balls. It has three dark green leaves. And because it spreads quickly, it can be very hard to kill or get rid of.

- Wire weed. This type of weed stays flat on the ground. It creeps to different directions which makes it hard to mow the grass. It can also easily spread because it produces seeds all year round.

Knowing the types of weeds that may grow in your lawn is a huge advantage to know how to get rid of them. There are actually several ways of getting rid of weeds and this may depend on the type of weed you have in your lawn. Lawn mowing experts in Launceston shares different ways to get rid of these weeds safely and correctly especially when mowing your lawn.